Creative, responsive, pragmatic, price-sensitive, results-driven, unflappable. And a delight to work with. These are a lot of superlatives to describe any one person, but emphatically earned by Lise and her team at BasketWorks. Lise has crafted custom holiday baskets for my clients for a number of years and I cannot recommend her highly enough. Each year she outdoes herself. And she inevitably makes me look good. What more can you ask for?
Andrew S. Jacobs,CFP, Principal & Financial Advisor
Bernstein Private Wealth Management
Fun on the Run
For Fun on the Run, send this ready to go snack pack! Built in an insulated 6 can cooler, we include finger foods, ready to eat with no preparation. Included in this fast and fun basket:
- Woeber's honey dipping mustard
- Cheese
- 2 cashews or almonds
- Cookies
- Dipping pretzels
- Assorted chips - may be sweet potato, Lillie Q's, Stacy's pita, veggie straws or others.
As Pictured: $65.00
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