Tag Archives: books

Spring Cleaning


Table of books and containers to go away

I’m not a big one for spring cleaning.

Let’s be real.  I’m not a big one for cleaning, period.   However, several things have come together to make spring cleaning a thing around here this year.

I need to get rid of the moving pod that has been taking up space in my driveway – so I need to sort through everything in there.  And then I need to make a place to put anything I am keeping, so I need to sort and clean out other spaces.  Sandi asked me for a list of all the books I have from my favorite author – so I cleaned out the bookshelves and got rid of 20 or so books (this is a major accomplishment for me….).  And I found a bunch of fun new items at the Housewares show that I want to bring in, but I need space, so I am listing excess inventory on Amazon. (check that out here).

Neat & Tidy bookshelf

Neat & Tidy bookshelf

Now that all said, what it means in practice is that everything is a bit more of a disaster.  While the bookshelves are a thing of beauty, there are several stacks of books waiting for a new home.  There is a stack of stuff to be listed on Amazon or Etsy, stuff waiting for me to sort…..stacks everywhere.   Slowly but surely I am working my way through everything, and that does feel good.

So if you are looking for a deal, check out my Amazon, Etsy or Clearance page – generally there are different things on each page.   I hope you see things you love.  If you see many things you love, I am happy to combine shipping for you.

Now….if only it would FEEL like spring.




Books, books, books

I am a serious book geek.   If you have ever met me, that is probably not news.  I read probably 3-4 books a month – sometimes more. And I am all over the map in what I read- science fiction, general business, history, mystery, teen lit, marketing, literature….pretty wide variety.  I love a good chat about a book – and if you have read something esoteric that I have enjoyed, I am tickled beyond belief.

I do both Kindle and paper books.  For years I was a paper book purist, until I found that having 2-3 books on my all the time had some serious benefits (sitting in waiting rooms on short notice….oy!)  So one of the sites I am sharing is print based and one is Kindle based.

l admit to being terrible about getting to the library, as much as I love it.  I find that my universe happens and I am paying large fines for late books.   I am also always looking for recommendations for good books.  So to keep the stream of books and reviews flowing without breaking the bank, I have had to cast a wide net.  I have found some amazing websites that help me with that.   Here are two of my current favorites.

My favorite book site is www.Bookcrossing.com.   I’ve been a bookcrosser for years, at various levels of activity.  The website encourages people to Read, Register and Release books “into the wild” and then track where they go.  I have mailed books across the country and I have left books in assorted public places and had them found and shared by other book lovers.   I keep a wishlist that includes out of print books – and I have had folks send me some of those books.  It is a true community of book lovers.

A new site that I have recently found is OneHundredFreeBooks.com.  I am a new comer to this site, but have found an assortment of free kindle books on this site that I have downloaded and enjoyed a great deal.  I am reading things outside of my usual choices, and having current options dropped into my email box daily is a pleasure.

Going forward, I’ll probably share some of my favorite books as well as book websites – hope that is useful to you!

