Monthly Archives: July 2022

5 Reasons to Support Your Local farmers Market

Over here at BasketWorks, we pride ourselves on not being mercenaries; oh no, we’re all about supporting the community, as we’ve previously discussed. In that vein (Isn’t that the strangest expression?), we’re back with another way to convey to your municipality that you’ve got their back. 

Farmers markets do just this, providing a platform for local businesses to get together and sell their wares.

Local farmers markets are a fun and fresh way to spend a morning. Whether shopping for locally harvested produce, freshly laid eggs, or locally crafted organic beer, you can count on your market to have seasonal products.

Today, we look at  five reasons to get involved and show your support.

1. You Give More Back to Your Local Farms

When you shop at grocery stores over farmers markets, you may be taking money out of the farmer’s pocket.

According to the University of Nebraska, only 10% of the money spent on farmed goods goes to the farmer. The rest of those funds go toward packaging, shipping, marketing, and other costs involved in third-party sales.

By shopping at your local farmers market, you ensure more of your money goes directly to the farmer. 

This supports your local economy and the small business owners who live in your community. Plus, you can reward yourself with a bag of kettle corn popcorn or some other indulgent farmers market treat. 

2. Food and Products are Fresh and In-Season

Farmers markets don’t ship products in from other countries. They rely on locally grown produce and locally crafted goods. 

This provides freshly baked bread, in-season fruit and vegetables, and a multitude of other fresh products to choose from.

There’s no concern over spoiled dairy, undersized vegetables, or tasteless out-of-season melons. Instead, sink your teeth into bright, crisp flavors, and take home bags of groceries you can feel good about serving your family.

3. A Diverse Selection of Local Goods

Farmers markets are designed with locals in mind. This means the stalls at your market reflect your community and the products and services you crave. Most markets feature:

  • Food stalls to sample and eat as you browse
  • Fresh baked goods
  • Produce
  • Locally crafted products
  • Specialty goods

The products represent your community and the people in it. From handsewn quilts to blown glass to beeswax candles, you can trace the origin of these products to the plants and animals they come from in your city or town.

4. Environmentally Friendly

The food you purchase at the local grocery store travels the country (and sometimes the globe) to reach you. This not only costs extra money to be delivered to grocery chains but uses extra fuel to get there.

Local farmers have shorter distances to travel to bring their products to market. Reduce your carbon footprint when you shop locally.

5. Learn About Local Culture and Customs

One of the best parts of a farmers market is seeing, smelling, and tasting all the local goodies. You can learn a lot about a community and its people by what’s being sold at the local market.

Here’s a list of farmers markets on the North Shore:

Discover the various cultures and customs in your community. Taste new foods, try new products, and fall in love with your city all over again.

About BasketWorks

BasketWorks/79Gifts is a woman owned gift basket company, located in the north suburbs of Chicago (specifically Northbrook, IL) since 1997. We are proud to offer a variety of gifts and gift baskets appropriate for all occasions. Each of our packages is built to order, allowing for customization at no additional cost to our clients. Contact us today!

Please subscribe to our blog post and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Health Benefits of Sparkling Water

You might be thinking Okay, now this is a stretch

We respect your thoughts. However, our crack team of health benefits researchers (we don’t have one) spent months (they didn’t) scouring the data on this, the sleuths that they are. 

But for real, there are health benefits of sparkling water. 

Whether you prefer seltzer, mineral water, or club soda, these bubbly drinks are a great way to stay hydrated throughout the day, and July in Chicagoland feels like the furthest thing from January. In addition to being refreshing and flavorful, sparkling water is also low in calories and sugar-free. 

For more, read on. 

Sparkling Water Is a Great Way to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for…well, being alive, and heat illness is serious, and chronic dehydration can lead to digestive issues and complications with the heart and kidneys.

Sometimes plain water can be a bit boring, whereas there are many delicious sparkling water types. If regular water doesn’t do it for you, load up on the fizzy stuff.

It Can Help You Lose and Maintain a Healthy Weight

Sparkling water can help you lose weight in several ways.

It helps reduce your overall calorie intake. Many people find that sparkling water is more satisfying than sugary drinks, so they end up drinking fewer calories throughout the day. 

Sparkling water is also known to boost your metabolism. The carbonation in sparkling water stimulates the digestive system, which can increase the number of calories you burn each day. 

This is good. 

Sparkling Water Is a Good Source of Minerals Like Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium

I think if we’re not careful, sparkling water may start growing a huge head. Still, we must continue with its benefits. 

Sparkling water is naturally infused with minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which keeps your body healthy and hydrated. In addition, it can prevent tooth decay and promote healthy digestive function. 

Speaking of Digestion…

Sparkling water can actually improve digestion. The carbonation in sparkling water promotes the release of stomach acids, which breaks down food and aids in digestion. 

But we’re not done! The extra hydration from the sparkling water can combat constipation, too. We won’t get into details, but if you want them, read this article by WebMd

See, you can count on us to make something like sparkling water sound fun. As always, beware of the kinds with added sugar or artificial sweeteners. Otherwise, forget all of the above.

About BasketWorks

BasketWorks/79Gifts is a woman owned gift basket company, located in the north suburbs of Chicago (specifically Northbrook, IL) since 1997. We are proud to offer a variety of gifts and gift baskets appropriate for all occasions. Each of our packages is built to order, allowing for customization at no additional cost to our clients. Contact us today!

Please subscribe to our blog post and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.