Category Archives: Boy Scouts

Updates and changes…

Sweet Home Chicago gift package in new gift box!

Sweet Home Chicago gift package in new gift box!

So much has changed since I last blogged with regularity.

  • My Gorilla post  about depression was published on Huff Post and shared thousands of times.  It was even published in the NAMI magazine.  I continue to get positive feedback as it slowly spreads and helps people effectively communicate how they are feeling.
  • BasketWorks became BasketWorks, Inc.   For anyone not sitting at my desk there are absolutely no changes.  Well, my business card changed, but only a little.  From this side of the desk, there is more paperwork and many, many questions directed to my account and lawyer.   I am glad they are patient with me!
  • I designed a new theme gift box for our Chicago gift packages.  I am really tickled with how they came out!  Keep your eyes here for a new Chicago Tote bag – also a BasketWorks design.  We are working on getting them made now!
  • I’ve joined the National Concierge Association.  A professional association of Concierges and the businesses that work with them, being accepted to this organization was quite an honor for me.
  • We are bringing back our paper newsletter.  We plan on publishing quarterly – some reprints of blog posts, some new material.  Please send me your snail mail address if you would like to be added to our list.
  • My eldest son is already a sophomore at Knox College and absolutely loving every moment of it.  This tiny school has proven to be the exact right fit for this kid who definitely marches to his own drummer!
  • My younger son completed his Eagle Scout this summer and has grown taller than me.  He loves picking me up and toting me around the house.

I am sure there is more, but I am going to go with this…under the promise to blog twice a week, I don’t want to bog myself down with seeking perfection.

Been awol….

DOMESTIC GODDESS 180So it was pointed out to me that I have been awol from this blog for almost a month.  Not the way this is supposed to work.   My apologies (not that I really believe that I have an audience of folks waiting with baited breath for these posts, but I can hope…). So what has been keeping me away?  What are you going to hear all about in the coming days and weeks (which is really what that question means)?  My calendar was stuffed in full in May – my birthday (we’ve already covered that), moving my servers, running surveys, Mother’s Day,  Sweets & Snacks show, a holiday party(delayed because the 4th quarter is so insane),  an anniversary party, a memorial service, working on an Eagle Scout project, prom, Senior awards, graduations, family parties celebrating said graduations….I’m exhausted just looking back at my calendar! But no excuses.  I simply dropped the ball.  OK.  Happens.  Picking myself up and moving right along…  First and foremost, new items in!  We found some fabulous new items at the Sweets and Snacks show that we are bringing in and I will be introducing in the the next few days.  Some retro (intro?) spective thoughts on the end of the school year, and moving forward. Glad to be back…. smiles! Lise


There are a few things you should know about me. I’m Jewish, was raised as a Reconstructionist (not many people can say this), and I believe strongly in one of its core tenants, the principle of Tikkun Olam, meaning “repair the world,” as in, one of my purposes in life is to work toward making the world a better place for everyone.

Repairing the world takes many forms.  For my family, it means a lot of volunteer work. My grandmother was a life member and volunteer for Na’Amat – her calendar was bursting with meetings and events well into her late 80s.   My mother and father were tireless volunteers for the City of Hope – every Thursday night for over 20 years my mom was busy running a bingo game, and the twice annual Lox Box projects were full family events lasting a week or more, and of course there were the casino nights we helped run.

I was a member of Camp Fire growing up and spent many hours volunteering on community service projects.  I married a man with similar beliefs who is currently the Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 67 in Northbrook.  We both volunteer for the countless needs of our synagogue community.  And of course, we’ve raised our two boys to volunteer as well.

So, it should come as no surprise to you, that when the Northbrook Chamber of Commerce needed volunteers to help with the annual silent auction and other projects, I stepped up to help.  It was just one more thing to give back to those who have helped me, no big deal. However, this year they’ve decided to present me with the Volunteer of the Year award – I am being presented with this on Monday the 3rd – and I am moderately terrified.   Getting into the trenches and doing the work – definitely my skill set.  Standing up in front of 200 people I don’t know – not so much.     Wish me luck!
