Category Archives: Birthday

Been awol….

DOMESTIC GODDESS 180So it was pointed out to me that I have been awol from this blog for almost a month.  Not the way this is supposed to work.   My apologies (not that I really believe that I have an audience of folks waiting with baited breath for these posts, but I can hope…). So what has been keeping me away?  What are you going to hear all about in the coming days and weeks (which is really what that question means)?  My calendar was stuffed in full in May – my birthday (we’ve already covered that), moving my servers, running surveys, Mother’s Day,  Sweets & Snacks show, a holiday party(delayed because the 4th quarter is so insane),  an anniversary party, a memorial service, working on an Eagle Scout project, prom, Senior awards, graduations, family parties celebrating said graduations….I’m exhausted just looking back at my calendar! But no excuses.  I simply dropped the ball.  OK.  Happens.  Picking myself up and moving right along…  First and foremost, new items in!  We found some fabulous new items at the Sweets and Snacks show that we are bringing in and I will be introducing in the the next few days.  Some retro (intro?) spective thoughts on the end of the school year, and moving forward. Glad to be back…. smiles! Lise

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday….to me!    My birthday was last Friday, and I must say, it was absolutely lovely.  I started the day with a 7 am meeting, full of warm wishes and friendly faces.  I will admit that I could do without the early start (not so much a morning person) it did set a great tone for the day.  A friend stopped by to take a walk with me – and I actually made the time to go out and take the walk!

Sandi took me out for lunch and surprised me with a new Kindle (paperwhite…now I can read without a light!)  My sister stopped by with a chai latte and tulips for me.  Homemade ravioli for supper and a square dance to top it all off.  Really really nice.

But one thing had me grinning like an idiot all day.  Facebook notes.  All day I had these little blips showing up on my page as folks took 30 seconds to wish me a happy birthday.  And you know what?  It really made me smile.   Still making me smile.

So thanks to everyone who took time out of their day to help make my day so special.   I really appreciate it!

(PS – if you haven’t taken our Facebook survey,  I’d appreciate it if you would swing by – it takes about a minute and a half!)