Passover starts tonight, and in my house that means a full house, a full table, family and friends. As holidays go, it isn’t my personal favorite – a little too structured for my taste. But it is certainly a holiday that stands out, defines our household as Jewish, and that is good. And it continues the traditions from both my and my husband’s families.
This year we are a little on the smaller side – we are seating 30 (it was 29 until a few hours ago when we added one…). I say smaller because last year we had 45. This is quite the feat when the entire house is under 1500sf. Furniture goes to live in the garage, tables get arranged, chairs are borrowed. But I wouldn’t cut back on our guest list for the world. Both sides of the family – everyone in town. Friends who ARE family. And always, always, those who for one reason or another have found themselves without a table. There is always room for one more. (Well, last year we managed the one more, but only because one left early…..)
While the dinner might not be what my great-grandparents’ served, and the service is decidedly more relaxed, one thing has not changed. There is always room. There is always enough food. Guests are always welcome. Seder or just Wednesday dinner, that is a perpetual truth at our house.
And for that, I am grateful.
For those of you who celebrate, may you have a holiday of family, friends and joy. Smiles.